• VBS 2023
  • Old Fashion Day 2023


Beulah Land Baptist Church is an Independent, Fundamental, Pre-Millennial, Bible-Believing, Baptist Church.

We believe in the absolute authority of the Scriptures as preserved in the King James Bible, that Jesus Christ is all-sufficient for salvation, that He has left us here as the Body of Christ to carry out his command to Go and preach the Gospel, and that He is coming again to take us to heaven some sweet day!

We whole-heartedly reject the modernism and liberalism of many contemporary movements of our day and without apology, hold to the old-fashioned manner of worship with the old hymns, Bible preaching and invitations! We do not define ourselves as traditional, but rather we are BIBLICAL.

It is our desire to serve you and your family. In these difficult days, we want to be a bright beacon of hope to all who pass by our way. If you are seeking a church home, it would be an honor to have you visit with us. You will find the wonderful people of BLBC will welcome you with Christ-like love and care.

Weekly service times.  Sunday 10AM & 6PM.  Wednesday 7PM

Thank you for visiting our website. 

To God Be The GLORY!!!


Bro. Adam Thomas


Check back soon for more announcements.